Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Pelatihan SLiMS di Samarinda tahun 2014

LOKAKARYA OPTIMALISASI SLIMS (software otomasi perpustakaan)

5-6 April 2014 di Gedung Bundar Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman

Investasi Rp. 250.000,-

Pemateri utama: Bpk. Purwoko Ibn Sangadi, S.IP (pustakawan UGM, Lead SDC Senayan Slims)

+ pembentukan komunitas SLiMS

undangan, rundown kegiatan, formulir bisa diunduh disini

1 komentar:

  1. Casino: Slot machines - Dr.MCD
    A 전라남도 출장안마 casino game 제천 출장샵 with a progressive jackpot, 삼척 출장샵 jackpots and jackpots can be played on the 부천 출장마사지 slots in a room. There are also 양주 출장샵 online versions of slot machines and
